
Showing posts from 2015

Tis' a Good Friday Indeed

Today is Good Friday but my heart is heavy as I remember and think on the death of Christ. How He died for us, in our place. The heaviness of our sin that He willingly took upon Himself. The way He was beaten for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. The weight of the whole world was literally on His shoulders as He carried that cross to Calvary. And He took all of this willingly, because He loves us so, and because of His love and devotion to the Father. He was obedient even unto death - a death and punishment that He in no way deserved. And the Father, out of His great love for us, willingly gave His one and only Son to be the propitiation for our sins. What great sacrifice, what great love. I am still working to fully understand and accept such love. I want the weightiness of this event to really sink in. I want to appropriately morn the suffering that God the Father and God the Son endured for us, on our behalf. I want to be sobered. I want to weep in gratitude. T...