
Showing posts from March, 2013

This Thing Called Trust

I am learning that I am not so good at this whole trust thing. I mean if someone asked me if I was a trusting person, I would say, "yes, definitely!". Do you trust God? "Of course!" But lately God has really been asking me to trust Him, every moment of every day, and I am realizing just how hard that can be. Completely trusting in the Lord means letting go of all control, something with which I am not very comfortable. Sometimes I will let go of controlling something, place it in His hands for a while, but I am all too often guilty of taking it back and trying to control it again. I KNOW in my head that He is the absolute best person to trust with anything and everything, and I want to, but actually walking it out is the hard part. Not allowing fear or worry to creep back in, not allowing myself to try to control and plan again - this is where the daily battle is found. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandin...