Weight loss...

Yesterday I "got back on the horse" in regards to my weight loss efforts. After two weeks of vacation  - bad eating and no working out - I feel like the task before me is more daunting than ever. I never thought it would be this hard or take this long... After I had my son Elijah - who is now almost 15 months - I thought I could be back to normal in 6 months or at the very least within the first year. Now that both of those goals have passed me by and I am still struggling with the last 15-20lbs, my current goal is to lose at least 15lbs (ideally 20...) before I get pregnant again.  I don't have a lot of time if we still want our kids to be approximately 2yrs apart like we have always wanted.

It has been a challenge, to say the least. I have made progress along the way, but I have also put back on a few pounds that I had lost - that is so discouraging. I know what I need to do, but it is a matter of discipline and consistency. A few months ago I was on a roll, I was motivated, disciplined and consistent for about 2 months and I was seeing results, but then right before Christmas I fell down the stairs and broke my foot! Argh!! I lost all my momentum and was unable to work out for a few months :(

I am done with excuses/set-backs and I am SO ready to see results. Which is partly why I decided to write  about this journey - to expose myself and gain some accountability. I am also hoping that when I am having a moment of weakness - when I really want that late night dessert or that second or third piece of pizza - that I can write instead.

My plan right now: weight watchers & and couch to 5K app (starting Monday). I will also weigh myself on Monday and post the number that the scale reads, no matter how painful or embarrassing that may be for me.


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