
Showing posts from October, 2012


I know, I just wrote about Elijah yesterday, but I have been thinking about all the things he is currently doing/saying; I am fascinated and I don't want to forget them, what better way to remember than to write them down? (this post is partly just for my benefit so it might get a bit lengthy - feel free to stop reading whenever...haha) One of my favorite things that he does right now: he will randomly come up to give me or Ethan (daddy) a hug - usually around one of our legs - it is just so sweet! He has also been reaching for our hands when we are walking side by side - love it!  He is SUPER friendly (most of the time) and he LOVES to interact with other people (adults and children). Sometimes he just bursts out in laughter to try to get their attention. And when we are walking down the street he will wave to all the cars passing by. When people respond his eyes sparkle and he gives a smile that lights up the entire room. It brings me joy to see how hi...

This Little Boy of Mine

My little man and I have been getting to spend a lot of time together lately, well, we always do (such an incredible blessing), but lately is has been a lot of JUST us time. While I look forward to more adult interaction, I am also cherishing every single moment I have with this sweet, sweet boy. He has stolen my heart over and over again. Even on the most challenging days, I am amazed at how much my entire being LOVES him. From the moment I found out I was pregnant... To the first time I held him in my arms... To today... My love for him has grown in ways and to depths that I never could have imagined. A mother's love is certainly one of the most powerful things on earth. I LOVE the gift of motherhood with all its ups and downs, with all its challenges and victories, and with all the heartache and joy. And I love how it has revealed God's love for me in a new, different and very powerful way, sometimes it is still beyond my comprehensi...

Waiting Silently

In my Bible reading app on my phone, the verse of the day was "Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation." Psalm 62:1. I don't know why, but this verse just really hit me today. WAITING on the Lord is a hard thing to do and the idea of doing it SILENTLY seems almost impossible at times. I am learning that in those silent times of waiting, when it seems like NOTHING is happening, that is often when God is doing a great work in us - if we let Him, if we take time to seek Him and hear from Him throughout the process. While I am waiting, I don't always feel this hopeful, but today I do and for that I am thankful. I feel hopeful that later I will be able to look back and see what God was teaching me. I trust that when I reflect I will see that I am not the same person, that I am more like Jesus at least in some small way. It is not always pleasant and often it is very painful, but I am so thankful that Jesus loves me enough not to leave me the w...