HE SPEAKS...through sunshine and quiet moments

Sitting on the stairs of our new, still empty, house. It is early morning and sunshine is pouring in through the windows. All is quiet and still in the house. I am muttering a silent prayer as I meditate on some of the verses I read just moments ago. All of a sudden I feel HIS presence wash over me in an incredibly gentle and powerful way. HE speaks softly to my heart, “I am here, I am always here; rest in that.” Tears stream down my face and in that moment I feel completely whole and totally safe. It is amazing what a simple touch from HIM can do to my entire being. HE reminds me that HE speaks; today through early morning sunshine and a still, quiet moment.

I feel so thankful.  I remind myself how essential it is to take a moment to be quiet and still, to take even just a second to seek HIM. HE is always here and HE will meet us. HE speaks to our hearts and refreshes and strengthens our souls. Oh how vital is the time spent in HIS presence.

May you find a moment today to quiet your heart and your mind, to seek HIM even for just a moment. And may your heart and soul be refreshed and renewed by the power of HIS presence and the comfort of HIS voice.

Have a lovely weekend!

(note: I wrote this a few days ago before we had all our stuff, but we didn't have internet until yesterday...We now have all our stuff, but this morning I had a couple quiet moments to myself and I was reminded that I wanted to share this post.)


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