
Showing posts from January, 2013

My Best Friend

I have been so emotional lately, I guess I can blame this whole pregnancy thing, but it has made me ever so grateful for my attentive, loving and patient husband. We are no where near perfect, but God definitely knew what He was doing (as He always does) when He put us together. I hate being weak, emotional, out of control, or ugly in front of people, but when my husband loves me through those moments, it truly is a beautiful and amazing thing. He doesn't love me because I am perfect or because I always choose the right attitude, he loves me because I am me (the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly) and because he made a promise to love me forever. We are able to do this because Jesus first loved us. And He gives us an incredible and challenging example to follow. We are still learning how to walk out this whole marriage thing (I suspect we will be learning our whole lives), but I am beyond blessed by our beautifully imperfect marriage. He is my absolute best frie...


God is SO GOOD. I am constantly amazed at His sufficiency when all my best efforts are still insufficient. His promises are true EVERY day, and we can solely rely on Him for ALL that we need. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 Many days I feel like I am failing... Failing to be a good enough wife Failing to be a good enough mother Failing to be a faithful and true friend Failing to consistently reach out to others Failing to make a big enough difference in this world Failing to eat healthy enough Failing to exercise enough Failing to communicate adequately or honestly Failing to get all of my "to-do" lists done Failing to be genuine or real Failing to follow through with good intentions Failing to be involved enough The list could go on... And the truth is that I do fall short, almost every time. I do fail, over and over. But the beautiful thing is that God covers me each a...

I'm Back...

Well, it is a New Year - Happy New Year! Hope you all thoroughly enjoyed the Holidays. One of the new things I want to try this year is to blog more regularly. This may be difficult for me and the posts may not be anything profound or even important, but it is a goal. And hopefully some of you will enjoy this journey with me. Lately, I have been sitting down with every intention of writing - multiple times in the last couple months - and as you can see I have not successfully typed even one word. Maybe, it is because so much has been going on, I can't seem to gather my thoughts enough to share them coherently. Maybe, it is because nothing hugely significant has been happening and the rest doesn't seem post worthy. As a dear friend of mine ( Chelsie ) put it, I often can't decide weather to write about something serious (a heart matter) or something mundane (day to day happenings) and I often second guess myself which obviously leads to complete inaction...ha! Anyway, my...