Pictures & A Tiny Update

We were so blessed to be able to get some pictures done recently and instead of posting them all on Facebook, I thought I would share them here. Beware there are a lot of pictures - 37 to be exact! :)


I am so incredibly blessed by my beautiful and wonderful family.

Pregnant feet, good thing I got a pedicure ;)

Such a handsome little man we have been blessed with - love him!

This one cracks me up, Elijah was much more interested in playing on the beach and in the sand than he was in taking pictures, in this one he yelled "Stop-it/freeze, bobos" haha from "Go, Diego." Sorry to those of you who have no idea what I am talking about. Either way, it is obvious that he had had enough :)

I love holding hands with my man! Although, we are holding hands kind of oddly in this picture, I think it is because my fingers were starting to swell...haha oh the joys of pregnancy.

 I love this one.

And this one - little sandy booty.

Happy family.

It was SO bright, but I this one still turned out okay, even though we were barely able to keep our eyes open - haha.

Oh goodness he is so cute! LOVE this little boy!!

And we are so excited to meet the next little Moeckl.

He adores his daddy and this makes me so happy.

Some belly shots :)

Kisses!!! Whether he likes it or not...haha

Such a little boy. Love this shot. Oh my heart.

So there you go, hope you enjoyed. A huge shout out to Peacock Photography for these awesome pictures! We love them.

These days we are just awaiting the arrival of our second baby - baby girl Moeckl, Makayla Grace - ahh! We are so excited. I am feeling huge-pregnant, but otherwise okay. We are praying that she makes her debut soon, but in God's perfect timing. And hopefully His timing is early because otherwise my husband will be away for a month of training starting May 4th. He will only be about 4 hours away so depending on how it all goes he may still be able to make it back in time. Either way, please join us in praying that he will be there for the birth. Thankfully, I will have help from my wonderful Mother, sister, and mother-in-law while Ethan is away. We are grateful and excited.


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