
Showing posts from 2013

Thankful for this Extraodinarily Ordinary Day

A journal entry from a few days ago: Sitting here in the semi quietness of my home. One little baby is fast asleep, her sweet rhythmic breathing near enough to hear. The other little guy is in his room for a nap, but has instead been playing somewhat quietly for the last hour and a half. I'm stealing a few moments alone with the Lord. Reading my devotional, sipping on coffee and whispering quiet prayers to my Jesus - mostly prayers of thankfulness. In this moment, my heart is incredibly full as I am reminded of God's great faithfulness and amazing goodness. Such undeserved favor and blessings in my life. When I think about my happy babbling toddler in the next room or my sweet, peaceful, sleeping beauty right next to me, or my handsome, hardworking husband who should be home from work in a couple hours, I am overwhelmed with love and gratitude. Oh the joy. And while these may be my greatest blessings, they are certainly not my only blessings and with that knowledge my hea...

Pictures & A Tiny Update

We were so blessed to be able to get some pictures done recently and instead of posting them all on Facebook, I thought I would share them here. Beware there are a lot of pictures - 37 to be exact! :)   I am so incredibly blessed by my beautiful and wonderful family. Pregnant feet, good thing I got a pedicure ;) Such a handsome little man we have been blessed with - love him! This one cracks me up, Elijah was much more interested in playing on the beach and in the sand than he was in taking pictures, in this one he yelled "Stop-it/freeze, bobos" haha from "Go, Diego." Sorry to those of you who have no idea what I am talking about. Either way, it is obvious that he had had enough :) I love holding hands with my man! Although, we are holding hands kind of oddly in this picture, I think it is because my fingers were starting to swell...haha oh the joys of pregnancy.  I love this one. And this one - little sandy booty. ...

My (VERY) Imperfect Perfect Life

Hello, My name is Hannah Elizabeth Moeckl, I am a 25 year old soon-to-be mother of two, wife, sister, daughter, friend & nurse (who is currently not working). I am extremely thankful for my life, family & friends. I know I am blessed beyond what I could ever deserve and most importantly I have been redeemed by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All those things make me feel like my life is perfect in many ways, but as far as having it all together and actually being the ideal image that I have of myself, let me assure you, I am FAR from perfect. My life is far from perfect. The truth is that my house is usually somewhat messy and disorganized, there is almost always laundry that needs to be done and dishes waiting on the counter or in the sink to be cleaned. There is always a closet, counter or cabinet that needs to be more organized. There are usually crumbs on the counter and crumbs, dirt and hair on the floors. I sweep - sometimes, and I vacuum when w...

This Thing Called Trust

I am learning that I am not so good at this whole trust thing. I mean if someone asked me if I was a trusting person, I would say, "yes, definitely!". Do you trust God? "Of course!" But lately God has really been asking me to trust Him, every moment of every day, and I am realizing just how hard that can be. Completely trusting in the Lord means letting go of all control, something with which I am not very comfortable. Sometimes I will let go of controlling something, place it in His hands for a while, but I am all too often guilty of taking it back and trying to control it again. I KNOW in my head that He is the absolute best person to trust with anything and everything, and I want to, but actually walking it out is the hard part. Not allowing fear or worry to creep back in, not allowing myself to try to control and plan again - this is where the daily battle is found. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandin...

More of the "Sprinkles of Life"

"The Sprinkles of Life"  5) People are ALWAYS more important than things. Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also."  6) Give people A LOT of grace. Remember how much the Lord has given you and how much you have been forgiven. Matthew 7:3-5 "And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Matthew 18:23-34 " Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a certai...

Some Pictures

Here are the promised pictures and an update from our birthday/homecoming/valentine's day celebration last weekend: Elijah intently working on the artwork for Daddy's Happy Birthday sign - the balloons say Happy Birthday - but you can't really see it...And don't judge my welcome home sign too harshly - I don't claim to be artistic, but Elijah was "helping" me so there are quite a few mistakes - so worth having his help though ;)  Again, not the most artistic or creative, but it was fun, colorful and celebratory nonetheless, and I was working on a short time frame :) I know, excuses, excuses - haha!  The desserts and Valentine's Day goodies - all of which turned out to be a success and quite yummy - yay!!   Our "fancy" table (we use our little table a lot because it is less work to set/clean and it is more fun for just the three of us sometimes) and dinner. And my amazing, handsome husband. Everything turned out well - it ...