"The Sprinkles of Life"

I have had the blessing and privilege of attending a MOPs group at our church here in Cali. Yesterday was only the second meeting, but it was so good. Being able to get together with other moms and share stories, food and the Word of God (while someone else cares for our little ones) is such a nice treat. Especially since I am new to the area, I am loving the opportunity to simply fellowship with and meet other mommies. Not to mention that the "messages" have been really fitting and powerful, yet simple.

The first week was about unlocking your potential - A GREAT message that I may take the time to share here on another day. But this week, a wonderfully sweet and beautiful elderly woman shared what she calls "The Sprinkles of Life". I didn't get a chance to actually talk to her much, but she was very poised and incredibly gracious and graceful. I wouldn't mind being like her when I am older. I wouldn't mind being like her now, but I think that kind of grace and love comes with time and being refined in the fire numerous times.

Anyway, she shared a very simple, yet powerful list of 15 principles that she has kind of compiled over time. They are principles that she tries to remember, to live by, and each one is based on scripture. I thought I would share them here with you all over the next few weeks. I may simply post a few of the principles with their accompanying scriptures or I may add one or two to the beginning or end of my other posts. Hope you all enjoy and that these simple principles minister to you as they have to me.

I also hope that by sharing these principles here with you all, I will gain a deeper understanding of them, and begin to dwell on them regularly so that I can remember to apply them to my life.

1) Have a thankful heart - take pleasure in the small things and laugh a lot.
  • Proverbs 15:13 - "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken."
  • Proverbs 17:22 - "A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones."
2) Learn to listen to / pay attention to our thoughts. 
  • II Corinthians 10:5 - "casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,"  

***These are based on my notes so they may be worded a little differently than she originally worded them...


  1. So glad you're getting connected with a MOPS group. I'm trying my first one out next week...I figured it was about time...I hear they're awesome! Praying for those connections you make turn into great friendships to encourage and strengthen you out there!


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